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Information for build container-tools-latest-920210817172432.8cf767d6

Package Namecontainer-tools
Built bylmandvek
State complete
StartedTue, 17 Aug 2021 17:56:45 UTC
CompletedTue, 17 Aug 2021 17:57:33 UTC
Content generatormodule-build-service
Extra{'typeinfo': {'module': {'content_koji_tag': 'module-container-tools-latest-920210817172432-8cf767d6', 'context': '8cf767d6', 'module_build_service_id': 102, 'modulemd_str': '---\n' 'document: modulemd\n' 'version: 2\n' 'data:\n' ' name: container-tools\n' ' stream: latest\n' ' version: 920210817172432\n' ' context: 8cf767d6\n' ' summary: Most recent (rolling) ' 'versions of podman, buildah, skopeo, ' 'runc, conmon,\n' ' runc, conmon, Udica, etc as well ' 'as dependencies such as ' 'container-selinux built\n' ' and tested together, and updated ' 'as frequently as every 12 weeks.\n' ' description: >-\n' ' Latest versions of podman, ' 'buildah, skopeo, runc, conmon, ' 'Udica, etc as well as\n' ' dependencies such as ' 'container-selinux built and tested ' 'together, and updated\n' ' as frequently as every 12 weeks. ' 'Only very limited back ports are ' 'provided to\n' ' this stream, and most patches ' 'come from providing new versions.\n' ' license:\n' ' module:\n' ' - MIT\n' ' xmd:\n' ' mbs:\n' ' buildrequires:\n' ' platform:\n' ' context: 00000000\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-c9s-build\n' ' ref: virtual\n' ' stream: el9\n' ' ' 'stream_collision_modules: \n' ' ursine_rpms: \n' ' version: 3\n' ' commit: ' 'b6494f647a11a4f79258890c4f1a0775e8669d30\n' ' mse: TRUE\n' ' rpms:\n' ' buildah:\n' ' ref: ' 'ee7a84aed1bed2738d7a3ed3a9398b93a6e1ea32\n' ' cockpit-podman:\n' ' ref: ' 'b457902e3cc6ad0ffe8195bdfbafe8b61450aaa1\n' ' conmon:\n' ' ref: ' 'ddd17656c1ad5674c488b85715c538419bb99803\n' ' container-selinux:\n' ' ref: ' '3f96d267b3469be267dfee69eae8313b63b364e7\n' ' ' 'containernetworking-plugins:\n' ' ref: ' '436fa768fb73eacabad29e8d05c64908b139ebca\n' ' crun:\n' ' ref: ' '2b2475b9df1a01120ea6cb4d3e36f2c25ee2a91e\n' ' fuse-overlayfs:\n' ' ref: ' '23aca4cfd8422ab7540079f5d43b59b1d5584a65\n' ' oci-seccomp-bpf-hook:\n' ' ref: ' '6984e0a1c30cf4df5edcf8d11e1f9265bced1a1b\n' ' podman:\n' ' ref: ' '10aad33c40ec1aaa65219acbddf65d4b8bc9ebc9\n' ' python-podman:\n' ' ref: ' '33a94303b2f5cd46999d1c6e7e4dcceff882b457\n' ' runc:\n' ' ref: ' '98952e24893337a70236d104c2758c76a5cc947d\n' ' skopeo:\n' ' ref: ' 'a338d6e42e88a7e72f788b3ef3435b7e08669da1\n' ' slirp4netns:\n' ' ref: ' '0b61c26ad2cbcb8f4fac39c6ba9f29e6817adbf3\n' ' toolbox:\n' ' ref: ' 'c14ffcfc5935ff1a97b63e2e18a4d7d26a4dd9ea\n' ' udica:\n' ' ref: ' 'd91193a35c5ac18fd78a2a2669a1feea737415b7\n' ' scmurl: ' 'https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/modules/container-tools?#b6494f647a11a4f79258890c4f1a0775e8669d30\n' ' dependencies:\n' ' - buildrequires:\n' ' platform: [el9]\n' ' requires:\n' ' platform: [el9]\n' ' references:\n' ' community: ' 'https://github.com/projectatomic\n' ' documentation: ' 'https://projectatomic.io\n' ' tracker: ' 'https://github.com/projectatomic\n' ' profiles:\n' ' common:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - buildah\n' ' - cockpit-podman\n' ' - conmon\n' ' - container-selinux\n' ' - containernetworking-plugins\n' ' - containers-common\n' ' - crun\n' ' - fuse-overlayfs\n' ' - podman\n' ' - python3-podman\n' ' - runc\n' ' - skopeo\n' ' - slirp4netns\n' ' - toolbox\n' ' - udica\n' ' api:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - buildah\n' ' - buildah-tests\n' ' - conmon\n' ' - container-selinux\n' ' - containernetworking-plugins\n' ' - containers-common\n' ' - fuse-overlayfs\n' ' - podman\n' ' - podman-docker\n' ' - podman-manpages\n' ' - podman-remote\n' ' - podman-tests\n' ' - python3-podman\n' ' - runc\n' ' - skopeo\n' ' - skopeo-tests\n' ' - slirp4netns\n' ' buildopts:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' macros: >\n' ' %_with_ignore_tests 1\n' ' components:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' buildah:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/buildah\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/buildah\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' cockpit-podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/cockpit-podman\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/cockpit-podman\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' conmon:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/conmon\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/conmon\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' container-selinux:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/container-selinux\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/container-selinux\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' containernetworking-plugins:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/containernetworking-plugins\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/containernetworking-plugins\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' crun:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/crun\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/crun\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' fuse-overlayfs:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/fuse-overlayfs\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/fuse-overlayfs\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' oci-seccomp-bpf-hook:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/oci-seccomp-bpf-hook\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/oci-seccomp-bpf-hook\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/podman\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/podman\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' python-podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/python-podman\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/python-podman\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' runc:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/runc\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/runc\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' skopeo:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/skopeo\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/skopeo\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' slirp4netns:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/slirp4netns\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/slirp4netns\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' toolbox:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/toolbox\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/toolbox\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' ' udica:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/udica\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/udica\n' ' ref: ' 'stream-container-tools-latest-rhel-9.0.0-beta\n' ' arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, ' 's390x, x86_64]\n' '...\n', 'name': 'container-tools', 'stream': 'latest', 'version': '920210817172432'}}}
Module Archives
modulemd.aarch64.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.ppc64le.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.s390x.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.src.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.x86_64.txt (info) (download)